School Chromebooks

Factory Shoals Middle School

Chromebook Distribution for 2024-2025

Douglas County School System provides Chromebooks for students. Please read the following rules pertaining to these devices. Students are responsible for the Chromebook and charger. If they are lost or stolen, a replacement must be purchased.

  1. By signing this agreement you are certifying that your child has an unmet need for a learning device that will be fulfilled.

  2. These devices should only be used for student learning.  They are not a replacement for family computing devices.

  3. If a device, charger or cord, is damaged or missing it may be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to pay for the repair or replacement of these items.  Non-working devices should be returned to the school to troubleshoot but may require a payment to be replaced/repaired.

  4. Parents should monitor Internet usage.  Any attempt to bypass any content filtering or other security measures, either through use of Douglas County owned technology or through personal devices is a violation of this regulation and may result in disciplinary action.

  5. Devices must be returned immediately upon request from the school.

Here is the property use agreement link.

Here is the payment link.

Here is a link to purchase a replacement charger.

Chromebook and Digital Learning Quiz for students.